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发布时间:2024-04-30 16:45 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

这位荷兰人缺席了周中红军对阵埃弗顿的默西塞德德比战,因为他和他的伴侣正在等待他们的第一个孩子萨缪尔的出生。在球队前往伦敦体育场之前,尤尔根·克洛普确认 Gakpo 正在争夺再次出场的机会——并且在在这场比赛的预演中,他谈到了带着胜利从首都返回的决心。“这将是一场艰难的比赛,”Gakpo 告诉 Liverpoolfc.com。 “今年我看了他们的一些比赛。 [他们]拥有非常优秀的球员,他们也踢出了非常好的足球。“我们必须做好准备,专注并充满信心地去那里。我们必须去那里拿下三分。“他们在主场比赛,他们想给球迷一场精彩的比赛,而我们去那里是为了夺取一些分数,赢得胜利然后回家。”


Gakpo has scored 14 goals and provided five assists so far in his first full season at Anfield since moving to Merseyside from PSV Eindhoven in January 2023.After the No.18 marked his last appearance with an influential display in the 3-1 win at Fulham, the manager noted, ‘He is now fully back [to form] since three or four games’.“I am feeling good,” said Gakpo himself. “But I know I can do more, do better. I am always looking to improve.“It is quite intense [at Liverpool], more intense than I was used to playing. But I really like it. The club is amazing, the fans are amazing. The group gave me a really warm welcome from the beginning, so the adaptation went really smoothly, in my opinion.“Thanks to all the guys and the staff as well. Everybody was amazing and helped me a lot.”Gakpo has quickly racked up 75 appearances for the Reds, featuring in a number of different positions across Klopp’s midfield and forward line.“Obviously it’s a positive that the manager thinks I can play in a lot of positions,” he added. “But I think that for every player it is good to have something to hold onto, so one or two positions.“But yes, it’s a compliment that the manager thinks that. I think it’s a strength.”






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