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福雷斯特 (Forrest) 击出二垒安打击败邓迪 (Dundee)

发布时间:2024-04-30 16:44 作者:jrs直播 阅读:
福雷斯特 (Forrest) 击出二垒安打击败邓迪 (Dundee)(图1)

苏格兰超级联赛2024 年 4 月 28 日星期日登斯公园,邓迪邓迪… 1(Portales 72)凯尔特人…2(福雷斯特 30 和 67)詹姆斯·福雷斯特 (James Forrest) 是登斯公园的英雄,因为他的替身在探索城的一场紧张交锋中,凯尔特人队以2-1战胜邓迪队,保持了苏格兰英超榜首的三分领先优势。自十一月以来首次回到首发阵容,他在比赛开始两分钟后就发起了进攻,在禁区边缘带球切入内线。然而,他的射门却高出了邓迪横梁。第4分钟,尼古拉斯·库恩在18码线处左脚犀利射门,考验了邓迪门将乔恩·麦克拉肯。守门员一开始措手不及,但在第二次尝试时成功保住了球。两分钟后,麦克拉肯再次出动,这一次推开了雷奥·哈塔特的危险传中。库恩随后一脚弧线球瞄准远门柱,但麦克拉肯再次完成了任务。凯尔特人队的持续施压,到了第8分钟,他们险些通过角球突破。利亚姆·斯卡尔斯头球破门皮球越过球门,格雷格·泰勒试图在后门柱将球推入球门,但邓迪机警的门将阻止了这一尝试。随着比赛的进行,詹姆斯·福雷斯特在第23分钟展现了他精湛的球技,一脚精准的皮球飘向球门。回帖。库恩受到挑战,但未能完成干净利落的连接,让雷奥·哈塔特将球敲过门柱。邓迪终于在第 25 分钟向前推进,皮球飞向后门柱。巴卡约科头球攻门,但力量不足,让乔·哈特轻松接球。第30分钟突破,雷奥·哈塔特发挥关键作用,将球传给了禁区边缘的京吾。 这位前锋灵巧的触球为詹姆斯·福雷斯特(James Forrest)创造了机会,后者首次打出一记精彩的凌空抽射入网,这​​是他为凯尔特人队效力的第 491 场比赛中的第 106 个进球,也是他本赛季的第五个进球。进球之后,福雷斯特继续威胁邓迪队的防守,仅仅三分钟后,他内切射门,被邓迪队后卫挡出。半场即将结束时,邓迪队的卢克·麦考恩尝试一脚远射。 。然而乔·哈特仍然保持冷静,自信地应对了这次尝试,在上半场接近尾声时保持了凯尔特人的领先优势。Towards the end of the half, Dundee’s Luke McCowan tried his luck with a long-range shot. Joe Hart, however, remained composed and dealt with the attempt confidently, maintaining Celtic's lead as the first half drew to a close.

The second half at Dens Park kicked off with Dundee showing renewed vigour, and they created a chance in the 51st minute. A corner delivered to the back post found Mohamed Sylla, but his header missed the target.Just five minutes later, the home side sent another dangerous ball into the box. This time, Liam Scales was crucial for Celtic, making a timely clearance at the edge of the six-yard box to deny Dundee an equaliser. Another corner followed in the 57th minute, with Jordan McGhee connecting with a header, but Joe Hart comfortably caught the ball, keeping Celtic in front.Celtic found their first opportunity of the half from a corner just after the hour mark. Matt O'Riley's delivery was on point, finding Scales, but his header lacked direction, failing to trouble the Dundee goal.However, Brendan Rodgers’ side doubled their lead in the 67th minute when James Forrest scored his second of the afternoon. After receiving a pass from Reo Hatate, Forrest manoeuvred past two defenders and fired the ball into the net with his left foot.Celtic nearly added a third in the 72nd minute when Hatate, after switching the ball on to his right foot, struck a powerful shot from just inside the area, only for the ball to ricochet off the post.However, Dundee was not ready to concede defeat and in the 74th minute, they pulled a goal back in a somewhat chaotic fashion.Adam Idah, attempting to clear a shot from Portales, accidentally turned the ball into his own net, bringing Dundee back into the game.As the match approached its conclusion, the referee added five minutes of stoppage time. In the 91st minute, Luis Palma took a chance from 25 yards out, but his effort drifted wide of the Celtic goal.Two minutes later, Dundee had another opportunity to equalise when Mellon got his head to a free-kick, but his effort went wide.Despite the final flurry from the home team it was James Forrest who grabbed all the headlines as Celtic chalked off another fixture in the run-in. Next up it will be Hearts who make the visit to Paradise on Saturday.






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