当前位置: 首页 > 体育资讯 > AcademyU21比赛报道:PL2附加赛迫在眉睫,利物浦被阿森纳击败。周日,利物浦 U21 队以 2-0 负于阿森纳队,他们的常规英超第二赛季结束了。


AcademyU21比赛报道:PL2附加赛迫在眉睫,利物浦被阿森纳击败。周日,利物浦 U21 队以 2-0 负于阿森纳队,他们的常规英超第二赛季结束了。

发布时间:2024-04-30 16:41 作者:jrs直播 阅读:
AcademyU21比赛报道:PL2附加赛迫在眉睫,利物浦被阿森纳击败。周日,利物浦 U21 队以 2-0 负于阿森纳队,他们的常规英超第二赛季结束了。(图1)

阿马里奥·科齐尔-杜伯里上半场的梅开二度在下一阶段比赛开始前的最后一场比赛中将双方分开。年轻的红军将在 26 支球队的积分榜上获得不低于第九名的成绩,获得分区附加赛的资格。他们的 16 强对手将于周一晚上确定。巴里·卢塔斯 (Barry Lewtas) 再次请中场球员斯特凡·巴伊塞蒂奇 (Stefan Bajcetic) 帮忙,后者随后在柯比学院 (Kirkby Academy) 踢了一个多小时的比赛。巴里·卢塔斯 (Barry Lewtas) 威胁要大胆地发起进攻。比赛开始后两分钟内揭幕战。在发现布莱恩·奥孔科偏离球门线后,他从远处尝试了运气——但枪手门将扑出了。然后,凯德·戈登从右侧开出的角球几乎完美地给到达的詹姆斯·麦康奈尔提供了完美的球门,尽管后者无法接球。A接下来是机会的平静,然而客队在半小时之前连续两次进球,这证明了比赛的决定性时刻。这两个进球都来自科齐尔-杜贝里,他是继伊斯米尔·卡比亚和内森·巴特勒之后在后门柱攻入的第一个进球-奥耶德吉联手沿左翼切入并传中。第二次射门非常精彩,科齐尔-杜贝里在伊桑·纳瓦内里的突破防守传球中从身后解围,从右侧内切并射入球门上角。

Arsenal almost added to the scoreline in minute 40 as Nwaneri cut out a backpass, but Fabian Mrozek foiled him and Rhys Williams cleared the loose ball away from the line.Gordon nearly halved the Reds’ deficit in added time, moving past two defenders to get in on goal, only to be denied by a good save from Okonkwo.Lewtas’ charges gained a stronger foothold in the game after the break, and were somehow kept out by Okonkwo three times early in the second half.The visiting stopper initially saved from Lewis Koumas and reacted quickly to repel follow-ups from Jayden Danns and then Gordon.Bajcetic departed proceedings in a planned change – another hour under his belt as he builds up fitness – and Liverpool continued to probe for a way back into it.They were close with 80 on the clock as Williams’ excellent pass over the top sent Koumas through. The forward tried to round the ’keeper but defender Ayden Heaven got back to clear away from goal.Okonkwo frustrated the Reds once more before the end, this time saving from substitute Trey Nyoni to ensure Arsenal claimed the victory.TEAMLiverpool U21s: Mrozek, Miles, Davidson, Nallo, Williams, Bajcetic (Nyoni, 62), Gordon, McConnell (Pilling, 73), Danns (Frauendorf, 73), Clark, Koumas.Unused subs: Pinnington, O. Kelly.NEXT UPDespite the defeat, Liverpool’s place in the end-of-season play-offs is assured, though they must wait until Monday’s fixtures are completed to discover their opponents and also whether they will be home or away.Their last-16 tie is set to take place between May 3 and May 6. Confirmed details will follow on Liverpoolfc.com.






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